About Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.
Features of dyslexia are:
Difficulties in phonological awareness
Verbal memory
Verbal processing speed
Poor concentration
Difficulty following instructions
Dyslexia occurs across the range of intellectual abilities.
Having a professional assessment helps parents to understand their child’s learning potential and difficulties, whilst also dealing with the school to secure the support that their child needs and gain LEA Recognition.
Benefits of Early Professional Assessment
Everyone experiencing the difficulties listed above will benefit from professional assessment as understanding yourself as a learner is empowering. However, children particularly benefit from early assessment of their difficulties with targeted recommendations for extra help and interventions to support academic achievement.
Children, teenagers and adults with these difficulties can also benefit for examination concessions following assessment. Securing extra time and specialist provision is an area where I have much experience. Access arrangements for the 11+ or public exams can include extra time, a reader and or scribe as well as the use of a PC.
Schools are able to apply for these access arrangements for pupils but will need a professional diagnosis to support the application. However, school resources are limited so if parents already have a diagnosis applications are much easier to submit.